"You are hereby called to serve in the Romania, Bucharest Mission, to serve in Chisinau, Moldova for eighteen months..."

Slideshow of Where We'll Be Serving...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

On Friday, September 12th, we travelled about two hours, by car, to a city called Soroca. It is on the boder of Moldova and Ukraine. It is a small city, with many senior citizens who are very poor. Our Church has been helping this city by providing food and equipment to the "soup kitchen" that feeds these senior citizens. Prior to the church helping, the cooking equipment was very very old and almost unusable.

The women who work in this kitchen had to carry the water from a well, outside, in buckets up to the second floor of the building.
The church has provided the new stove, oven, deep fryer, freezer and refrigerator, and in addition we have provided and installed a pump in the well and the plumbing necessary to bring the water inside of the building. It was such a blessing and wonderful experience to visit and recieve the thanks from the citizens for all our church has done for them.

Elder Jacobs, in the above photo, is the humanitarian missionary, who along with his wife, Sister Jacobs, found the need and submitted the proposal to the church for the funding. They have a very rewarding calling and do a fantastic job carrying out the work of the Lord in helping the poor and needy. The funds come from your donations to the humanitarian fund. Keep making those donations!


Lisa C said...

My name is Lisa and I have a son serving in the Dnepropetrosk Mission. I am wondering if you have met him. Either way, thank you for your service and your blog. It's great for mom's like me to see the people and places where my son is serving.
Lisa C.

Lisa C said...

Silly me, I forgot to tell you his name, Elder Christensen.