"You are hereby called to serve in the Romania, Bucharest Mission, to serve in Chisinau, Moldova for eighteen months..."

Slideshow of Where We'll Be Serving...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Well, another week has passed, and we are getting a little more settled every day. We sure wish we could speak the language's. Everyone here speaks Russian and Romanian, Church is in both, depending on who is speaking! The young missionaries speak only Romanian so when someone is speaking in Russian (about 80% of the time) no one can translate. At least the spirit is there no matter what language is spoken.

Above is a photo taken today, (Click on photo to enlarge) Sunday September 21st, after our branch meeting. (For those who stayed after the meeting) The branch President is sitting on the front row, your right. Next to him are the humanitarian missionaries, then the rest are the members (except yours truly and Wendy). These people are absolutly amazing. Most are the only members in their families and have given up a lot to be members of the Church. One family gave up everything and had to leave Armenia and their family to join the Church. They were told they would lose their jobs and everything if they became Christians! so they left and came to Moldova. The strength of their belief in Jesus Christ and his restored gospel is truly amazing. The young people we work with have a depth of understanding that is remarkable. They are like sponges, seeking after the word of God. They come every night to the church for instruction and fellowship.

We had a great week, no humanitarian things going on right now, but we meet every evening with the young adults for Family Home Evening on Mondays; Institute on Tuesdays & Thursdays, activity night on Wednesday, and Seminary on Friday evening. This week we had our first Zone Conference and finally met our Mission President. He is a very good man. The missionaries put on the conference and did a magnificent job and we all went away spiritually fed.

Lisa C. Thanks for your comment, we can't answer you without your email address. Write to us at


Kristie and Roger said...

I am excited for you hearing about things.
BTW, Anthony is doing a great job.
Roger and Kristie