The drive was beautiful, other than the roads. You can see by the two photos that Autumn is coming and the leaves are changing colors. It is really quite beautiful. Outside of the cities the villages look very serene from a distance. When you get close then you see that the buildings are very old and the people don't have much in the way of "creature comforts". All in all it was a good trip. Bucharest is starting to get modern shops and malls since they have joined the European Union. We were able to find a beautiful mall and eat at Pizza Hut on Thursday. Friday night we all went to dinner at an American Style restaurant in the Marriott Hotel. It was GREAT!
We really appreciate all the notes from everyone. Thanks for being so wonderful.
Hello Bishop! This is Travis Liston. I am so excited for you and Wendy to serve in such a neat place. The Lord WILL bless you with the Gift of tounges when he sees fit. You will be such a great blessing to those whom you serve. Megan and I are loving life raising our three children in the Pacific Northwest. Take care and God's speed! Warm regards - Travis Liston
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