"You are hereby called to serve in the Romania, Bucharest Mission, to serve in Chisinau, Moldova for eighteen months..."

Slideshow of Where We'll Be Serving...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Last week (April 13th - 19th) we had the opportunity to spend the week in Romania. We were able to visit some really beautiful and historic spots. One of the fun places we visited was Brashov, Romania, the home of Dracula's Castle. Actually the correct name is Vlad's Castle, but it is the Castle that was described in the book Dracula. This was Vlad's summer castle and as you can see below, it is OLD! History takes on a whole new meaning over here.
Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, more commonly known as Vlad the Impaler also known as Vlad Dracula, or simply Dracula (1431 – December 1476), was a voivode. His three reigns were in 1448, 1456–1462, and 1476. Vlad the Impaler is known for the exceedingly cruel punishments he imposed as ruler of Wallachia, Impalement was Vlad’s preferred method of torture and execution.
We also visited other castles and citidels they will follow in future blogs. Our grandchildren are very interested in this castle so it had to come first. We tried to find "Edward" in the castle but no luck. It might be because the rumor is that the Romanian Government wants to sell this castle for $6,000,000. If you are interested you need to be aware that it is a "fixer-upper". There is no plumbing!


Amanda said...

I spent 6 wonderful months in Brasov. It is so beautiful, I love it! I also got to see the castle. If only I had $6,ooo,ooo...

ceramicart said...

well actualy the castle is $$. Sorry I think i told you that was 6 mill