"You are hereby called to serve in the Romania, Bucharest Mission, to serve in Chisinau, Moldova for eighteen months..."

Slideshow of Where We'll Be Serving...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Chisinau Orphanage

Where ever the LDS (Mormon) Church is organized the women's organization known as Relief Society is also organized. These wonderful LDS Women meet weekly and provide service as needed to the community and those who are in need of help. Our little branch Relief Society, made up of 10 sisters decided to help some orphans at a local orphanage. They purchased the materials and made pillows for these beautiful childern. On each pillow they embroidered the words "Eu Sunt un copil al lui Dumnezeu" (I am a child of God). On Saturday they delivered the pillows along with cookies and treats to the children at the orphanage. You can see how beautiful these children are. It is so sad that there are so many orphans here in Moldova. Many families just abandon their children and leave them at orphanages because they can't or won't take care of them. This orphanage appeared to be well managed and the children seemed well taken care of. We hope and pray that this little bit of love from outside will help them to realize that their Heavenly Father has not forgotten them and that He still loves them.