"You are hereby called to serve in the Romania, Bucharest Mission, to serve in Chisinau, Moldova for eighteen months..."

Slideshow of Where We'll Be Serving...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Today, Sunday July 12th, we travelled with the humanitarian missionaries to a village 2 1/2 hours drive from Chisinau. It is a very poor village of about 2,500 people. There is no running water in this village, they still use wells for all their water. No indoor plumbing! The building where they have the "kindergarten" is about 100 years old and was in need of allot of repair. The LDS Church donated all of the new furniture, shelving and lockers, the peace corp donated new beds and the community did the building repairs and painting. It is now a beautiful school for these beautiful children. 70% of these children parents live abroad to earn money to send home to support their families. The children are like orphans living with grandparents or other relatives, basically being raised by these wonderful teachers and administrators of this school.
The children welcomed us and sang and danced and were just wonderful. The community came out to thank us including the mayor. It was another wonderful experience seeing the good that comes from the donations of our members throughout the world. Every cent spent by the humanitarian missionaries all over the world comes from donations from the members of the LDS Church. Not one penny comes from any government organization. It makes us proud to be a part of this great effort to help these wonderful people of Moldova.